A Collection of 32 Pivotal Essays that will change our Mind on World Matters.
New York City, August 20, 2015 (Newswire.com) - What is the issue racists have with those not sharing the same skin color and do different human races actually exist? Is same-sex marriage really sinful or could God care less? Is the CIA using torture techniques of the antiquities or did they play a prank on Congress? Should we spy more on Germany because Angela Merkel may be a communist? Is it a private matter when politicians are cheating, or will they be vulnerable to black mail when caught, jeopardizing the security of this country? Are hotels helping con-artists commit identity theft, stealing our identities?
What is the real truth about Benghazi that we haven't been told and why does Russia know more about it than our media? Is the bomb of bombs already in Iran and if so, who could have helped them? Is overpopulation a great matter of concern for scientists and will beduins have to show them how to make water? Was there really an Armenian Genocide and what does the evidence state? Did the Holocaust really happen in Germany and what is the lost truth about the real story of the Eternal Jew? Should tragedies be on display as seen in New York City's 9-11 Museum?
Did the left ruin the World and were Pigs from China the real reason that caused the first World War? Was the United States wrongfully accused of having caused atrocities in history it never actually committed? Are we taking the innocence from our children and is the collapse of our civilization happening right in front of our eyes, which we're able to witness, finally able to answer the quests of what happened to ancient civilizations and why they collapsed?
Has the American Psychiatric Association lost their marbles and did they invent Autism to disable our children? Are bee keepers the ones responsible for Colony Collapse Disorder? Does the Freedom in the United States of America grant us the right to be slaves? Do Religions belittle God?
These are the scrutinized subjects author Leagan E. Kasper addresses in 32 discerning essays of her newest book The FREEDOM to think , to be released this Friday the 21st of August, 2015 world wide and will be available in Paperback at every bookstore and booksellers online, including Amazon. Also available as ebook.
About the Author
Leagan E. Kasper is an American Author living in New York City and founder/creator of Korifaeus Entertainment, the Multi-Genre Entertainment Boutique Online. She is the author of Surviving Pan - a fictional dialogue between three scientists. The critically acclaimed aesthetically erotic novel LOVE. Other books Kasper authored include, The Deceptive Fibionary, Temporis Spatio and Sensing Mr. Right Guy - the ultimate and humorous dating guide for women.